When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

God's Sense of Humor

The 1st reading today is about the creation of man. It's also Charles Darwin's 200th birthday. Pretty ironic, huh? Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?

The reading actually deals with finding a companion for Adam. The Lord brings every animal to Adam and allows him to name each one, but none of them are suitable companions. So God puts him to sleep, takes a rib, and makes Eve. My meditation on this all day has been about the fact that all of the creatures of the earth were made from dust (including Man) except the woman. She was created "flesh of my flesh, and bone of my bone" (Gn 2:23), which, when you think of it, makes woman the equal of man, not inferior in any way--not someone to make an object out of or to abuse or mistreat--a true "soul mate". I took meditation deeper and dwelt on the meaning of the marital union that husbands and wives enjoy, and why gay men and women cannot and must not "marry". When the two "become one body" (Gn 2:24) and create new life in the Creator is like coming full circle with the story of creation. Pretty straightforward, yet mind boggling and wonderful at the same time when you take the time to really think about it.

1 comment:

DUNNAT said...

very true, the story of Adam and Eve is a story that doesnt get the full attention of most christians, they have heard it since they were children and know that the snake tempted Eve and then she tricked Adam into eating it and for that they wer banished from the garden.
But it's much more when you study the story closer.
This story to me is critical to our christian belief because it sets the first sin and the need for sacrifice to attone for the sin. This is what Jesus came to earth to pay for; was not only this first sin but all the sins that followed by all of mankind.
In Eden according to scripture, the snake tempted them together, so it wasnt a trick from Eve that caused the downfall, but the two of them conspired to sin(as God knew they would)and as a result of their sinning came the need for Jesus.
This book you are reading is really good and is brimming with clues and instructions from scripture that will whet your appetite to learn more about God and to increase your love for him.
I'm trying to get my hands on the cd of this book to send you it is awesome. It's good to know that you are seeking a relationship with God that will allow you to grow through knowledge and faith.
I'm on my own journey to learn as much as I can about God so that I may be a true and valuble servant to him.
On another note, the comment about Gods sense of humor is interesting because we see evidence all around us , consider if you will the giraffe, or the duckbill platapus, or some of the fish in the sea,why just look around at the human element.