When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Communion of Saints, powerful allies

Mom sent her kids the following letter today via e-mail.

“Do you know, my family, what tomorrow is?

It is your sister, Dorothy Anne's birthday!!!! Even if she wasn't alive on this her birthday, she was stillborn and I have been thinking about her all week!! (I’ve actually thought about her a lot myself over the years!)

What would she have looked like now, what kind of a person would she be, would she be a help or otherwise to me???? (I know she’d be a lot prettier than any of your boys, that’s for sure!)

But we won't know will we until we see her in Heaven! Yes, she is definitely in Heaven and so she can pray for all of us struggling here below!!!! (By the grace of God, we will)

She is up there with Our Lord and Our and her Blessed Mother, and her Grandmother Rabideau Batty, which is, by the way, Grandma Batty's birthday!!!! (I never knew that)

Tomorrow or tonight when you say your prayers or tomorrow (or tonight) when you go to Mass remember her for me will you??

Love, Mom

First of all, Mom, yes I will, and I’m sure the rest of your family will as well. And if I understand your letter correctly, it’s also Grandma’s birthday? I will pray for both of them, and ask them to pray for us.

Your request got me to thinking about a couple of really deep subjects—both regarding the subject of our temporal understanding of the universe, and God’s eternal “now”.

Even though Dorothy and Grandma both passed away several years ago, to Jesus they are just “now” coming into His merciful embrace. So our prayers for them today are as “fresh” as they would be if we said them then. Amazing.

Do you think Déjà vu might be God allowing us a “glimpse” into the “eternal now”? I just get curious about these things.

I’ll stop my mind from wandering now, and get on with your “regular programming” (lol).

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