Being off work, sick and bored, I've got the chance to "blog blog blog until my daddy takes my keyboard away!" Apologies to the Beach Boys!
Anyway, here's one topic that drives me crazy. As Father Corapi says, "The truth is black and white. The devil's favorite color is gray".
“Christian Smith, director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society at the University of Notre Dame and a principal investigator on the youth and religion study, said that young adults are taught their entire lives to be nonjudgmental, that different points of views are OK and that there is no one truth, he said.” Atheist Student Groups Flower on College Campuses , Associated Press writer Eric Gorski (November 21, 2009)
What are we teaching our children? There is no one truth? Isn’t 2 plus 2 four? Doesn’t the light always come with the sunrise? Aren’t there really only 24 hours in a day? Truth is, by definition, well---truth!
What the author probably meant to say was that when it comes to feelings and emotions and the other non-scientific areas of our lives, that many things are open to different interpretations, but that still does not make every interpretation the right one. There is only ONE truth to everything. Different points of view are OK, but in the final analysis, the conclusions MUST be the same for TRUTH to hold forth. We can have opinions, no argument there—but you know the old saying, “Opinions are like _ _ _ _ oles—Everybody’s got one!
When it comes to matters of faith and morals, however, there is only one Truth—and He spent 3 years at the end of His time on Earth teaching it to us, and then enabling His Church (through the Apostles first, then the Magisterium) to help us discern the Truth in changing times throughout the ages until He comes again.
Sorry for the rant, but when a guy like Christian (an irony?) Smith spews stupid stuff like this he is working for the devil and doesn’t even know it! Please pray for him.
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