When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Who's the turkey here?

At the convenience store this morning, the clerk behind the counter asked the customer in front of me (who she obviously knows), "What are you doing for Thanksgiving?--It's next week, you know--just around the corner!"

It was an innocent question, but the young woman behind me actually groaned and said in an overly dramatic voice (and as if it was news to her that we are in the 3rd week of November already), "Thanksgiving? OH, CRAP, thanks for what?!" It kind of made me wonder who is the real 'turkey' this Thanksgiving.

I don't think she gets it. Thanksgiving is not just a holiday. It's not about the turkey, and the football, and the family gatherings, or even the time off of work--those are blessings, to be sure. But again, it's not a holiday, it's a HOLY DAY, one that was intended to be a day of prayer and thanks to God for all of the blessings He has bestowed on us. Many of us take these blessings for granted. We may think we deserve them. We may even think we create our own blessings because we worked so hard or we were so smart or clever. The fact is blessings come to us from only one source--our Creator--and He's not thanked nearly enough.

I will use this Thanksgiving day to do just that--give thanks to God for my family, my country, my freedoms, and my neighbors--even those who don't know the real meaning for establishing this HOLY holiday.

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