When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Don't worry about what you are to say.....pray the rosary!

In Luke 21, Jesus is speaking to His disciples regarding what they are to expect after His departure from this earth. At first glance, it may seem like a rather brusque and cold farewell speech. “Hey, after I’m gone things are gonna be pretty rough. Because of following me, you’re going to be betrayed , hated, seized, put into prison, and generally despised.” I can just imagine the disciples’ thoughts in response to this…”Umm, seriously? We’ve been here with You through thick and thin and this is what You’re going to leave us with as a parting gift?” (At least that’s what would have been going through my mind…)

However, with a more thorough reading of the passage, it becomes clear that Jesus is in fact imparting a blessing (not a curse) upon His followers. He’s letting them (and us) know that no matter how bad it gets, no matter how much it hurts, He will always, always, always be there. He’ll be there when those closest to us let us down, when the world turns its back on us, even when our very life and existence are threatened. Throughout all of this pain, all of these struggles, Jesus will be there with us, holding us close and giving us the words of wisdom and the grace needed to turn each of these moments of hurt into moments of beauty and testimony that reflect back on the miraculous nature of His love.

Each one of us has experienced unspeakable moments’ of pain, betrayal and sadness in this life.  Moments when it seemed that all was lost, that nothing can possibly hurt more or be worse than what we are currently experiencing.  All too often in my own life I forget what should be at the forefront of my mind in times like these….that Jesus has promised not to leave me, not to forget me, not to turn away from me. He hasn’t left me out there to wade through the muck and mire of each painful moment by myself. On the contrary, He’s made a promise to be there, a promise to provide me with the wisdom to speak His words in every situation, and a promise that “not a hair on [my] head will be destroyed”.

My prayer today is that we can each turn to Jesus more instinctively, more completely and more fully in times of pain and suffering. That our hearts and spirits will be comforted by the assurance that He will always be there with us, that we are never alone and that no matter what happens, in the end “all will work for good to those that love God, that are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). I pray that we may find peace today in knowing that we are never alone and that our eternal lives are forever secured with Jesus.

Immaculate Heart of Mary
Pray for us now and at the hour of our death
Blessed Lord, help us to see the harm we bring upon ourselves so that we will renew our connection with Your love and truth and so live in peace, harmony and justice.  Amen

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