When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Turning "Pro"

I put the "PRO" in procrastination.  There--I said it.

"I don't want excuses. I want answers!” I really have a hard time differentiating between those choices. What is an “excuse” that is acceptable? I'll throw a couple of excuses out there to explain why I haven't posted in quite a while and let you decide whether to accept the excuse or not.

  • I actually did write a couple of entries, but after proof-reading them I determined they weren't what I really wanted to say (at least not on a public website!).

  • I was very sick for about 2 weeks and didn't do a darned thing in all that time.

  • I've been extremely busy at work and I was just too tired in the evenings to attempt a meditation, much less a reflection.

  • I've had other things on my mind—my brother's passing, my daughter's wedding, and how I was going to juggle my time around running a couple of centers at once. It used to be relatively easy, but as I get older, it's a bit tougher.

On this eve of Sarah's wedding, I was brought to tears listening to Tony speak at the rehearsal dinner. He's a very good man. I can tell he loves Sarah by the way he looks at her and more importantly, the way he treats her with respect.

He stood up and thanked all who were present—some, he said, who were long time friends, and those in the room (here he looked at Marilyn and I and his Mom) who have known them “from the beginning”. He got a good laugh at that one. He went on to say that he appreciated the love and support that we give him and Sarah through the ups and downs that define our lives. I was ready to bawl at that point of the speech, but I held back.

Then he looked a Sarah and she kind of nodded at him. He explained that he was going to attempt to put into words what Sarah had told him about her decision to finally say yes to his proposal. He went on to say that Sarah waited so long to get married because she wanted to find someone who could love her as much as her dad loves her mom. I blew it. No one else in the room saw it, but I was bawling my eyes out. What a terrific thing to say! Makes me think Marilyn and I did something right!

That's how I know this relationship will work. If Tony loves Sarah even half as much as I love my wife, they are in for a wonderful life for a long long time.

After all of the hullaballoo is over tomorrow, I want to get back to a regular posting regimen. I have a few things to talk about while October is still with us.

1 comment:

EQ said...

With everything combined I will accept you not posting and I understand. Although I must admit I was starting to worry about you, Glad to find out that you are ok. Your old buddy EQ.

PS: Give my joy to and best wishes to the New Bride and Groom.