Most of the time when I "meditate" on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, I find myself just recalling the Scripture passages relating to that "mystery". Because through faith I just KNOW these mysteries to be true, my meditations are more often just recollections of fact. Some of my better, more insightful and more meaningful (at least to me) meditations come to me when I just ask the Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts when praying the rosary.
He waited until the 5th Mystery yesterday to turn my thoughts to an "angle" I had never thought of before. For those of you who don't know, the 5th Mystery is a reflection on Mary and Joseph finding the 12 year-old Jesus in the Temple after fearing Him lost. When they finally find Him, He says, "Why were you worried? Didn't you know I must be in my Father's house?"
I started wondering how could Mary and Joseph just "lose" their son? It's not like they forgot He was the Son of God. Rather, they might have been just so comfortable in their family life that they thought He must be with one of the other families (possibly even relatives) traveling with them and so didn't worry until a couple of days had passed. But when they did notice His absence they were distraught.
Sometimes I get distraught that I'm not giving Jesus enough attention, and conclude that I've "lost" Him. When that happens it's good to remember that I know where to "find" Him---He'll be in His Father's house, in the Tabernacle. If you know someone who has "lost" Jesus or is simply just looking for Him, direct them to the Father's house. I guarantee that they will find Him there, in the Tabernacle. You can't miss it. It's right next to the flickering red lamp that keeps vigil for us when we can't be there.