When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Where's the nearest wall?

Have you ever been frustrated by others who don’t appear to listen, despite your best efforts and repeated instructions, suggestions and admonitions?  Instead, they take a different path, turn in the wrong direction or make a mistake. They know what they should do, but they don’t do it. I used to get that feeling a lot when I was working in management.  All I could do was sigh loudly and roll my eyes over their bullheaded behavior that could (and often did) get them into some very serious trouble, and even lead others to the same fate.

That kind of behavior resonated with me as I read the first reading today, where Moses intercedes for those who have built the molten calf to worship it.  Moses asks God to relent from punishing those who have strayed, who didn’t listen to God and Moses. God does listen and relents. In the Gospel reading from John, Jesus seems exasperated that people don’t listen or if they do listen, they don’t hear. He tells of people searching the Scriptures to find eternal life, yet they don’t want to come to Jesus to have that life.

Today’s readings made me realize that this lack of listening, or perhaps it is listening and not really hearing, also characterizes my relationship with God. I have instructions, suggestions and admonitions, but I often stray away from what I should do and who I should be. I don’t hear. I may listen to the Gospel, but I’m easily swayed by my own bullheadedness. I pray that I really hear God and that I listen with an open heart and a mind and a will that are open to God’s way, not just my way.