my almost 5 decades in retail management, I had the opportunity to attend many,
many instructional seminars on how to become a better manager. I daresay the one constant in every one of
the classes was a discussion on how to delegate tasks and authority. The key to good delegation is to be specific,
simple, clear, and direct. Find the
right people for the job, and trust those to whom you delegate to. Give them the tools or knowledge they need to
complete the tasks. It’s best not to
micro-manage good people. Good leaders
don't wrap things in mystery, and they are there to provide guidance and
Jesus told
His disciples, "Heal the sick, raise the dead,
cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You
received without paying, now give without pay.
Take no gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts, no bag for your
journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff .... " (Matthew 10:7-15)
I love
Jesus' clarity, confidence and common sense.
The missioning described in Matthew’s gospel is simple, direct. He trusts the good judgment of His
people. He trusts His own wisdom. He betrays no need to control. He just wants the job done. He's clear about the task ahead and advises how
to steer around distractions or difficulties.
I’m fairly
certain that I won't be raising the dead or cleansing lepers today; that’s not
my forte, and Jesus knows it. So what is
the mission Jesus is sending me on? A
kind word to someone in need of it? A
sincere offer of support to one in need? A genuine expression of gratitude? A work or homeplace task? I'll get it done with Jesus' help. The extras, distractions, that I need to
leave behind include destructive anger, resentments, pride and jealousy.
OK, Lord,
I'm ready to go. Send me.
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