When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Be the sign for everybody else


“Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” (Matthew 12:38-42).  How often do we ask for signs?  How often do we miss the signs of God’s love, of God’s care, of God’s protection in our lives? 

I am reminded of one of my mother’s blog posts about a certain “sign” that always made her hopeful and happy.  She was relating a story about moving into a new home (Note: ‘Cappy’ was my father’s nickname):

“When Cappy and I moved into the house, it had a nice "garden spot" out behind the garage. Cappy loved to plant gardens and he really had a "green thumb" when it came to taking care of them.  Anyway, he went out to this garden spot and had to clean it up first.  I helped Cappy clear up the trash which took a couple of days and then we hauled it to the garbage dump.  So then Cappy got out his trusty shovel and began to spade up the place.  There were plenty of worms being turned out of their homes in the process.  He told me one day that there was a blue jay that followed right behind him to eat the worms.  The bird didn't seem at all afraid of Cappy (who wouldn't have harmed a feather on him!), and every day for the few years we lived at that house, he was out there.  Every time Cappy went to the garden, there was the blue jay!  Cappy got sick while we were there and eventually died while we lived there.  I did not want to live in the house anymore, and with the help of my sons, we moved over to my son Bob's house until I could find an apartment or something!  

I was feeling so blue and alone one day, when I looked out the window of Bob’s house and there was a blue jay.  It was as though he was saying, "I'll be watching out for you!"  After a few weeks, we did find an apartment and one of the first birds I saw outside the window was a blue jay.  After a year, Steve and Tom and I moved up to the Northern California foothills to live.  Cappy and I had been looking for property up there just before he died.  So a new life began!

I was pretty restless for the first few days, wondering what was going to happen to us!  I was standing in the kitchen, looking out into the backyard and there was a blue jay!  He just hopped around and kept looking up at the window.  I suddenly had a calmness come over me and decided that everything was going to be alright!  

A couple of years later, I found myself moving down to Lodi.  I had to go to work because the boys were not getting any Social Security anymore and therefore I wasn't getting any either.  Within the first few days of moving in, that darned blue jay was right outside my window!  It isn't that I see those birds all the time, but no matter the season or what kind of weather we have, a blue jay shows up.  Kind of a "reassurance!"  I guess God has been sending me them to me all these years to remind me that I am not alone and that He is there for me!”  

My mom was a great example of faith for me.  Her example is probably the reason I’m a big believer in signs.  I’m always on the lookout for signs that might provide direction when I’m faced with an important decision, or just looking for comfort.  I’m always amazed at the messages sent to me from God, often at just the right time.  They only serve to strengthen my faith and bolster my hope in a merciful God.

It's good to consider the love and attention that our community of family and friends has bestowed on us.  That same community has also probably, to a greater or lesser degree, provided for our security and survival.  God placed us in this family, in this community, with these friends for our growth and nourishment.  God is the root source of our particular educational and job opportunities, even if we worked hard for them.

Likewise, it’s good to reflect on all that God has given us in non-material ways: our talents, the knowledge and insights we've gained, the skills we've learned, the maturity that grew out of our sufferings, and so on.  These blessings have lifted our spirits, graced us with joy, provided healing, and filled us with a satisfying peace.  Additionally, there is our beautiful and diverse world.  All of creation displays the grandeur of God and provides us with fresh water, air, and nourishing foods.  God is the source of all this richness and pleasure in our life.

What is the ultimate intervention of God in human history?  Was it the crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 14)?  The mercy God showed the people of Nineveh because of their response to Jonah’s call for repentance (Jonah 3)?  The wisdom of Solomon?  The Queen of the South recognized it as God acting through Solomon (1Kings:10).  Was it the healings and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as told throughout the New Testament?  Is it the incarnation of God in our life in a very personal way every day?

All these are powerful signs of God’s love, but for me, the latter is the most profound answer.  To think that little, insignificant me is so loved, so cared for that God is personally present to me always and wants a personal relationship with me.  This is really humbling.  It’s also very empowering.  I have all the proof I need to know that I am unconditionally loved and cared for, and the freedom to choose how to respond to that love.  So what is my appropriate response?  It’s not to ASK for a sign!  Rather, I’m called to BE the sign of God’s love to others.

I’m called to share with everybody else I come across the love God has given me to use my gifts for the betterment of my community and of the world.

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