When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Becoming harvesters


“…The harvest is abundant…I am sending you…into whatever household you enter, first say, Peace…” (Luke 10:1-9)

When I read this Gospel today, I thought of the crops that are usually more abundant in the fall season.  I thought of squash in all of its varieties: zucchini, acorn, pumpkin.  In my (limited) experience, once planted the leaves arrive quickly, and you watch, and watch and watch – you don’t see anything, then all of a sudden – you can’t pick them fast enough!

The harvest is abundant…the world is ready… for the Good News of the Gospel!  Words of hope, love, forgiveness; words that assure us that there’s a way to live together, to trust that we’re truly a connected people – brothers and sisters in Christ.  The world is ready for the despair of today to be turned upside down – ready for transformation.

And God sends us!  Those who have heard the Word, who have cultivated an intimate relationship with God, those who live in hope!  God sends us to be His presence in the world – to preach with our person, our attitudes, our hopefulness, our very presence.  God sends us!  Whatever our message, whatever our actions, whatever our demeanor—we need to be sure that it is of God and not of us.  We are vessels for God’s peace to enter our world.

The world is ready! We just need to keep watching, looking beneath the surface, leading with peace. We just may be surprised by the yield.  We may need help harvesting.  We may even be able to share the excess, God willing!

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