Moses reiterated the truth of the statement so clearly: Staying with the Lord leads to life; turning hearts to “adore and serve other gods” leads to death [Deuteronomy 30:15-20].
Jesus’ words echo that sentiment: “. . . whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” [Luke 9:22-25]
Although we know these words well enough, we easily forget that faith decisions do have consequences. Although we might not say it directly, we begin to operate on the assumption that we can “be in neutral,” that we can “coast,” or not have to be concerned about whether or not we’re moving forward on our journey with the Lord. “I’m doing ok,” we might say. And before we know it, we’re actually choosing death, rather than life.
The starkness of the prophetic words on this second day of Lent is meant to awaken us from our slumber, and to save us from the lies that tell us life can be lived “in neutral.”
Where am I slumbering today? Where am I living “in neutral”?
Awaken us, O Lord, to the truth that you desire ever more to fill us with life! Help us to respond to you, to decide for you, today!
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