When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

He's still there!

I had to go to Reedley to pick up a truck today. I figured I would go to Mass at St. Anthony Claret at 5:30 as I drove through Fresno back home to Stockton. As I was approaching Fresno, I thought "St. Anthony's mass in in Spanish. Do I really want to try and understand what the Gospel and sermon are all about? or should I just go home and read the Gospel and meditations on line?" But my hunger for the Eucharist and the peace I feel at Mass (even in Spanish) overrode these thoughts and I went to Mass. When I got there, a little old lady who is always at that mass greeted me with "buenos tardes, Senor". I responded in kind. Then there was a bustle of activity around the altar--chairs being moved around, and a stool being placed behind the altar! I thought "uh oh, what's going on here?" Then everyone stands and the priest comes out veeerrrry slooowwwwly on crutches and a cast on his foot! He immediately proceeded to sit on a chair that was next to the lecturn and blessed us, said the opening prayer, then the reading and responsorial psalm were recited. "Lord, what did I get myself into tonight?" It was hard to concentrate on the Spanish and wonder how this priest was going to say mass in his condition. I was shocked when he said the opening prayers before the Gospel, then allowed a lay person to read it! He continued to sit. After the Gospel, he rose with great difficulty, then sat on the stool behind the altar. I thought he was going to dispense with a sermon, as it was obvious that he was in great pain. But he starts the sermon while sitting on the stool--IN ENGLISH! He had a different lay person stand next to him and interpret the sermon for the old Spanish ladies. And what a powerful and insightful sermon it was! I thank the Holy Spirit for guiding me to this sermon tonight. It was just what I needed. I will write about the sermon tomorrow. I want to let it soak in tonight, and it's late. I don't want to ruin it because I'm tired. I may forget something. How's that for a tease?

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