When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bits n' Pieces of thought today

First of all, thanks to Mom and Bob for going out of their way to respond to my last blog. I hold your advice and kind remarks close to my heart. Sometimes I get thinking so deeply that I don't see the obvious. Thanks again.

Then, there's some pretty terrific news, for me! I subscribe to Liguorian magazine. It's published every other month. In each edition, there is a crossword puzzle (that I never have trouble with) and a "Bible knowledge" quiz that has 25 questions where you match the question with an answer. I have to admit that this one usually gives me trouble. After taking the quiz the scoring is as follows: 11-15 correct, and you're a NOVICE. 16-20 correct answers is GOOD. 21-25 correct and you are judged OUTSTANDING. I usually get about 8-12 right, and these are "gimmies" (example: Jesus told him, "Feed my sheep"_____. Obviously the answer is Peter. You would have to have absolutely NO exposure to the Bible to not get this right!) Anyway, this month I got 23 right! I had two answers transposed. But I guess this shows progress, right? Daily mass is paying off, I suppose. The "Word on the Street" (pun intended) is that if you attend mass every day for 3 "cycles" of readings, you will have read every word in the bible. I am finding that true. What better way to "study" the Bible than to have it reinforced with a good homily, then cemented in your memory by receiving the very Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ, Himself?

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