When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's going to be a looooong night!

Sometimes I could just kick myself for my dedication and loyalty to my employers.

We have been having break-ins at one of our storage facilities. The thieves are not stealing things--instead, they are rifling through boxes and file cabinets and the like to look for paperwork that can be used to create new identities. The police say that this is a really big issue right now nation-wide.

My company has required our customers to use only the round "disc"-type locks for about two years now, because they cannot be cut with bolt cutters, and it takes longer to use welding torches to burn through them. Thieves want to get in and get out. The disc lock makes this difficult. And we have not had any "outside" thefts in storage in the 16 years I've worked for the company, although there have been a few "inside" jobs. But the burglars have found out that it is quite easy to just cut the hasps around the disc locks.

We've been hit 7 times in the last week. 3 times last week and 4 this week. A customer called us to say that she was told by the police that a credit card she KNEW was in her storage rooms was being used to make a large purchase. We had her come down, and we found the hasp had been cut. We took a walk around and found 2 other rooms in the same condition. Nothing of value was missing, only paperwork and credit cards and records of closed bank accounts.

So I made sure the manager was making inspections of every lock twice a day since then and yesterday, we found 4 more cut! I went to Radio Shack and bought one of those surveillance cameras, but the distance was too great between the cameras and the base unit to be effective.

It is impossible to get a security guard in Stockton on short notice, it seems, so I volunteered to be a security guard tonight. I will be staying in the office, but taking walks through storage every hour to make sure no one comes in. This is AFTER getting here this morning at 7AM! Someday I'll learn not to be such a pushover when the boss asks me to help with something. Normally, I would have probably been able to refuse, but since I am in charge of the storage for the entire central Valley, I felt duty-bound to set an example and show how important security really is. If I were smarter, I would have "volunteered" the GM to stay with me!

So I went home to have dinner, kiss Marilyn and Lily Bug, grab the book I'm reading now, Let God's Light Shine Forth by Pope Benedict XVI, then came back with a few sodas and some candy to help me stay awake!!

But don't worry about anything happening violence-wise --I've got "Larry" here with me!

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