When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Monday, October 26, 2009

A little bit of yeast

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Romans 8:18-25
Psalm 126:1b-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6
Luke 13:18-21

This link will take you to a blog that identifies a nun we all have to pray for.

When we pray, it's in the present moment that we encounter God, not in the concerns of our yesterdays or tomorrows, but in our "today."

The Catechism has its own compelling section on "Today" as it relates to Christian prayer. "Prayer in the events of each day and each moment is one of the secrets of the Kingdom." (Catechism Para. 2660)

We must bring prayer into our everyday circumstances, because all forms of prayer, even the most simple and direct, can be the leaven to which Jesus compares the Kingdom. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus compares the Kingdom to a small amount of yeast that, when mixed into a large amount of dough, affects the entire batch.

I went to dinner last night at Hometown Buffet. As anyone who has eaten there can tell you, it's always busy and noisy at dinnertime, because it draws the large families with lots of small children who are attracted to the good prices and better than average food along with an atmosphere that doesn't restrict the antics of children that sometimes happens. Anyway, last night was no different. I got my plate filled and sat down at a booth next to a family with two small, rambunctious kids. They were really noisy! Until, that is, I crossed myself and said grace. The kids noticed and asked the parents what I was doing. I guess I got them thinking. A little bit of leavening that hopefully will affect the entire batch.

The potential for prayer exists in every moment of our lives, no matter what we're doing! God offers us His Spirit at all times, but we must allow Him to help make prayer rise up in us like dough to yeast, so we can experience His Kingdom as He permeates our entire being with His Glory.

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