When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Close call

Christmas sometimes brings out the silly in people. I was playing with Lily this evening by holding her (quite securely) upside down. She loved it. She was laughing pretty heartily when I did it. I told Sarah, “She probably gets it from me. I used to be pretty good at standing on my head.” Sarah said, “No way! I’d pay fifty bucks just to see you try!”

So I got up to empty my pockets and asked Marilyn if she wanted an extra fifty dollars. I told her Sarah was going to pay me the money if I could stand on my head. Alicia piped in and said, “I’ve seen him do it, Sarah! Of course that was 25 years ago!” They were actually laughing at their old man! So I got ready to show them that I can still do it.

Thankfully Marilyn, the voice of reason, sounded off and said, “Don’t you even attempt it! With your weight, you could break your neck!” Then Alicia said, “Not to worry. Just get Sarah to give the money in ones and you can use the stack of bills to support your neck!”

I’ve raised a houseful of comedians and doubters. I promise that sometime soon, maybe when Marilyn isn’t looking, I’ll stand on my head and send the picture to Sarah to collect. Or maybe I’ll just do some fancy digital photography with PhotoShop. There’s more than one way to skin a cat.

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