When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Don't judge illegal immigrants until you know them

I think This article , including the conclusion of the author, pretty much sums up what's wrong with our immigration policies in this country. We tend to take the dignity and worth of every human being affected out of play when making decisions based solely on black-and-white law.

We need true immigration reform that would allow a speedier process to naturalization for hard-working, tax-paying, AMERICANS like "Joe" in the article. The circumstances of his arrival in America were not in any way a result of his own actions, but his obvious love of this country and his obvious efforts at taking on the responsibilities commensurate with citizenship should be able to "fast-track" him through the system. If we were to send him back to a country he virtually does not know or remember, he would be an outcast in two societies. How compassionate and dignified is that????

Of course for those who want to take advantage of US generosity and compassion and not take on the responsibilities that come with being productive members of society, a line must be clearly drawn and penalties--including deportation--must be used. I submit however that it appears the "easy" solution of deportation is employed in far too many instances with little or no thought of the consequences to the right of every human being to live in liberty and freedom.

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