When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

John 3:16

What an amazing gift God has given us. He sent his Son to redeem each of us. We can easily see ourselves as insignificant, just because of the sheer numbers of people who share this planet with us now, not to mention throughout history. We can see what we do as insignificant in comparison with the brilliant, the great, the famous and those known for their holiness. We can see our insignificance in so many ways, but God does not see any of us as insignificant. He sent his Son for you individually and for me individually.

What a love that is! All we have to do is accept that love. We make the choice. God does not choose whether to love us. He loves us - of that we can have total confidence. We make the choice whether to accept his love and live in his light or reject his love and live in the dark. It seems like it should be so easy.

One might wonder what would ever lead us to reject this most fantastic gift. But what is most awesome about all of this is that when we are foolish enough to reject his gift, it is still there for us. He does not take away the redemptive power of his Son. His love is there for us to accept. In that love there is total comfort and security, no matter what else is going on around us. There is nothing in our human experience that can begin to compare to the gift of Easter.

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