When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Friday, May 21, 2010

What concern is it of yours???......

Jesus comes straight to the point in today's scripture. When the Apostles are diving in for some juicy gossip and ratting out, Jesus says simply--what business is this of yours? Why are you asking this? It is up to you to follow me.

And this should be the attitude we strike as we serve Him in the world today. There are any number of things we could be scandalized by. We can choose any number of people to be offended by. We can spend our time asking who is betraying Jesus now. We can make accusations; we can call out those who we feel are not living the gospel life.

To what purpose? To spread scandal and rumor? To make ourselves feel better? No, the better part is to serve God, and to serve as His disciples, and to treat those whom we suspect of not loving enough with so much love that it is like "heaping hot coals upon their heads." Let our love be the conviction that brings everyone back to true love and repentance. Let our lavish care and devotion show everyone the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

That is our call, that is our challenge--not to point the accusing finger, but to serve others so that whoever thinks to betray Jesus, thinks first of the love he or she has experienced because of Him.

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