When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Two ways are set before us...I choose life

When I read this story on the internet this morning, it reminded me of an entry I made in my journal back in 2003, when the Scott Petersen case was going on. Here is what I wrote:

A letter-writer to the Stockton Record recently really got my hackles up. Some woman said she was anti- death penalty, but pro- abortion--sort of. She believes that taking a life as punishment for murder is wrong, as I do. But at the same time, she believes that taking a life for no other reason than unwanted pregnancy is somehow justified, because it is a "woman's right to choose."  What a hypocrite!

The author was saying that she believed that charging a man with double homicide was justified (although the punishment is not) because the woman wanted her baby, and was making plans for his arrival. This leads me to assume that she (the  letter writer) knows that the baby boy was living in the womb of the mother.

I'm confused. Is the baby only living in the wombs of women who want the child? What makes this baby any more alive than babies killed by abortionists? Was it because someone killed him other than his mother had she chosen to have an abortion? Is a life only determined as a matter of intent on the part of the parents? Is she saying that if the mother had been killed while on her way to have an abortion, the man should not be charged with the murder of the child? This is beyond my comprehension, I guess!

The pro-choice advocates know that a fetus is alive and shares the same rights and privileges endowed by God--that is, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But if it is an inconvenient pregnancy, the unborn baby is just another tumor to be removed, with no thoughts as to what the child may be able to contribute to the future of the world.

The real “choice” the Pro-“choice” crowd makes is to ignore the laws of nature (what else can a “fetus” be—if it is allowed to continue to grow in the mother’s womb—except a human being?) and of God.

The only comfort I take in contemplating abortion is that I believe the soul of the baby is formed at conception. And killing the baby before he or she enters the world sends the soul straight back to God in Heaven as a martyr for the faith, so he or she can join countless other saints praying for the end to this abomination of abortion.

I pray every day that God will somehow soften the hearts and minds of abortionists and those who seek abortions so we can become more pleasing to Him at the time of our death, which, no matter how much we fight it, will come. And we’ll have to answer to Him for the “choices” we made.

1 comment:

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