When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

We celebrated my birthday today, which is actually tomorrow, because a weekend day is easier for those of us who work during the week to get time off.  I started the day as I do every Sunday, by going to Mass and thanking God for all he has given me.  After staying with Mom for an hour or two (she didn't feel well enough to come over to my house and help us celebrate), I went home and played with LilyBug until it was time to go to dinner at the Waterloo Inn.   Marilyn and the girls love the pesto.  I'm not a pesto lover, so I'll take their word for it that it's one of the best.  I appreciate the BBQ ribs and chicken, though--and the outstanding service we always get, of course!

Anyway, we invited Sarah's BF Tony to accompany us, as well as my mother-in-law, my sister-in-law and her two daughters.  I had a great time, ate a great meal and got some pretty terrific cards and presents to boot!  I got 3 "real" books (remember when books had covers and words and pages and stuff?), 1 audio book, and a CD on the first days of Christianity.  I also got another pair of pants to wear to work from my ever-practical wife. 

Marilyn's card was especially funny.  On the front it says, "After all these years, you still make me laugh.  Then, on the inside it says, "Sometimes on purpose."
I'm glad my jokes don't always go to waste!

Alicia's was funny, too.  "Dad", it says, "I know I've given you a few gray hairs over the years...But I never meant for the others to fall out--Honest!"  Such a kidder--or IS she????

Sarah and Tony got me a book written by Scott Hahn titled "Signs of Life, 40 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots".  I have already read the introduction and I can't wait to get into this one!  They also got me a book titled "MENSA MIGHTY Mindbusters".  It has pretty complicated logic questions that the reader tries to answer.  I love this stuff...even though I know I'll have to cheat from time to time (alright, MOST of the time) to get the right answers.  But hey!  Learning is fun!

On a more serious note, though, and in keeping with the general theme of this blog, I did have a short while to meditate this evening after everybody had gone to their own homes or to bed.

What I thought about is how the last few Sundays of every year leading up to Advent remind us of the "end times".  In the Gospel this morning, Jesus describes some of the events leading up to the end of the world--and they sound an awful lot like what we're going through now!  But do I think the end is imminent?  Not particularly.  I do know that the end of this world is getting closer for me, personally, every year I celebrate another birthday! Or, for that matter, it could happen any time I get behind the wheel of a car!  The questions I have to ask myself constantly are "Am I ready to meet my Creator?"  "Have I set a good example for those who are entrusted to my care as Son, Brother, Husband, Father, Grandfather, friend?"  "Have I led them to Christ, or left them on their own to 'figure it out'?" "Will I be found wanting?" 

I'm getting older!  Wiser?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  I'll let others judge that.

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