When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Remember to give thanks on Thanksgiving

During the holiday get-togethers, everybody has a job, whether it's cooking, cleaning up, keeping the small children busy or just staying out of the way!  My self-appointed job is to lead the family in saying Grace, thanking God for our blessings, and giving gentle nudges to those who need to recognize those blessings for what they are and Who endows them.  Here is the mealtime prayer I have written for this year's Thanksgiving Day dinner.  It's not copywrited, so feel free to use it, if you like it.

Eternal God, Father of all, we give you thanks for allowing us to gather together for this occasion. We give thanks for life, for the freedom to enjoy it, and for the grace to recognize our freedom. We ask you to protect those who are not blessed with the freedoms we enjoy, even in our own country. Bless this feast we are about to eat and bless all of our family who are present here today. We ask you to heal those in our family who are suffering from illness and despair. Let them see your goodness and show them your compassion. We also ask you to watch over those who cannot be present to share in our feast today, either by poor choice or other commitments. Let your Holy Spirit come upon all of us, so we may see the light of your love, recognize and regret our faults, and find the peace and happiness that has been promised to all of us through your Son, Jesus Christ.


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