When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Trust the loving embrace of God

Sunday comics are sometimes pretty poignant. Take today’s “For Better or For Worse” by Lynne Johnston:
Throughout this week we will again hear the angel of God delivering messages of joy, of unbelievable events, and of ordinary people being surprised and then growing into acceptance of God’s presence among them. It is a very well-known story for all of us...perhaps so familiar that, like Michael in the cartoon above, we zone in and out as we hear and/or read it: the announcement to Mary of her pregnancy, of Mary and Elizabeth ministering to one another in their extended visit, of the birth of John and Zachary’s unbelief turned into joy as he announces his son’s name, and then the story of the humble birth of Jesus.
Yet, these words and happenings, God’s caressing words of presence, “Do not be afraid,” can awaken us to God’s call in the midst of our lives today.
As I ponder these words this year, they are a comfort to me following the recent death of my brother. This year’s Christmas season brings an emptiness and a ‘letting go’.... a call to celebrate Bob and yet to acknowledge the loss of him in our midst. As Bob said quite often to several of us in his last few months, he was not afraid, but ready to ‘lift up his spirit’ with God. But it is we, who he left behind, who are in need of those words of assurance, “ Do not be afraid”—“I am with you.” Our faith and belief is that God is with us and with Bob...but our hearts have not yet caught up to KNOWING it.
How often do we find ourselves in day-to-day struggles and ‘have to do’s’ - not wishing to continue, perhaps unsure of ourselves or the project or the challenge of the day? It is times like these that we may very well experience raw fear - the unknown lurks and we are unsure of ourselves. Yet, it is in trying to do this ourselves – to find the courage within us to face our fears that we stumble...it is these times that God is present, whispering, “DO NOT BE AFRAID”.
Mary’s questions, “How can this be?” are very real. She found herself in the midst of an incredibly strange experience of being told something very frightening and awe-filled - that she was to be with child...who was to be God’s son!
Mary had tremendous faith in herself AND in her God to believe the angel’s message.... with all the questions of the future lurking.... that she was only betrothed (and not married) to Joseph...what would happen? What did it mean that her child was to be the Son of the Most High?
Mary was willing to be open to God with her questions, her fears, and her consternation. AND, Mary was willing to trust the angel’s assurance of God’s presence, in the midst of the questions, fears and unknown future.... and to move forward - “Let it be done according to your word.”
As we face our futures of unknown beginnings, or daily humdrum moments or a closing of life’s chapter, this is my prayer this season: May we allow God in ... open with our fears, longings, emptiness and emotional roller coasters.... to trust the loving embrace of God and be open to what may be revealed in these days, weeks and months ahead ...according to God’s word and promise.

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