When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Prayer for the Day

"Holy Spirit, fan the flame of God's love within me and consume me with your fire; that I may grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and ever seek to do his will.  May my heart never grow dull and may my ears never tire of listening to the voice of Christ."


Jesus told His disciples that not everyone would understand His parables.  He was speaking from experience. He was aware that some who heard His parables refused to understand them. It was not that they could not intellectually understand them, but rather, their hearts were closed to what Jesus was saying. They had already made up their minds to not believe. God can only reveal the secrets of His kingdom to the humble and trusting person who acknowledges the need for God and for His Truth. The parables of Jesus will enlighten us if we approach them with an open mind and heart, ready to let them challenge us. If we approach them with the conviction that we already know the answer, then we, too, may look but not see, listen but not hear or understand.  God's word can only take root in a receptive heart that is ready to believe and willing to submit.  If we want to hear and to understand God's word, we must listen with fear (a "fear" of God can also be described as "respect given out of love for Him and awe for Who He Is) and reverence.  
A man decided to join a very small and very selective order of monks. The order was so devoted to prayer they were only allowed to say 2 words every year.

After the first year passed, he went into a small room where he was given the chance to say his two words to the head monk. His two words were "Too cold." The head monk nodded and gave him an extra blanket.

The next year passed and he was once again taken into the small room. This time his 2 words were "Bland food." Again the head monk nodded and gave him a box of salt.

When the next year had passed they took him back into the small room, and his 2 words were "I quit."

"Fine!" exclaimed the exasperated head monk, "All you've done since you got here is complain anyway."

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