When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Appreciation for His Gifts

Prayer for the Day

Let us sing to the Lord, He has covered Himself with glory! (see Exodus 15:1bff)

How many of us realize that every moment is like a sacrament and has its own outward sign that communicates to us something of God's love?

The Israelites (Exodus 14:5-18) didn't realize it. Instead of being grateful they grumbled and complained against Him. In a similar way the Scribes and Pharisees in the Gospel (Matthew 12:38-42) turned a blind eye to God's presence among them and tauntingly asked Jesus for a sign.

What about us? Do we grumble and complain and wait for a sign before we will love Him unreservedly? Or, do we pray for an open and receptive heart that finds Him and adores Him in the sacrament of the moment.

What better signs do we have than the Sacraments? 

As children we learned the definition of a sacrament either from the Baltimore Catechism  (No.3, Lesson 13) or from the “new” Catechism of the Catholic Church  (CCC 1113-1134).  But do we appreciate these gifts? 

How many of us turn a blind eye to Jesus’ presence in the priest when He (not the priest) absolves us from our sins and bestows sanctifying grace on us? 

What greater miracle can there be than Jesus’ very Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity taking on the appearance of ordinary bread and wine?  What about the Mass itself?  God allows us to be present at the very same supper where Jesus first performed this miracle!  Why would we not pay attention? 

If Jesus Christ were to appear to me today as He did to the Apostles in the days following His resurrection, I would like to think that I would prostrate myself before Him and proclaim, “My Lord and My God!” as Thomas did.  Do I owe Him any less respect because He is humble enough to take on the appearance of everyday foods?  Shouldn’t I at least approach the Sacrament with respect and take a few minutes to realize Who it is that sustains me?  Or do I wonder how long is Mass going to go on?  I am not making judgments here, because I am as guilty of a wandering or inattentive mind at times as anyone else—maybe even more so.  I do know that when I give our Lord my full attention, He rewards me a hundred-fold with His.

And what better way to show our appreciation for these gifts than by keeping His commandments; To love God with our whole heart, mind and strength and to love one another as Christ loves us.

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