When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Who do I have to invite?

Lord, my arrogance and independence get in the way sometimes. Please, I beg of you, help me to pray for and embrace the humility that will open up deeper ways of communicating with you. Let me invite those people into my life that I might recoil from and let me love and respect them as you do. Help me to see you in each person I meet.

Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Pray for us who have recourse to thee!

Today, I pray for my entire extended family; that those who are seeking the Truth find Him and that those who are far from Him draw closer.

I also pray, as usual, for peace on Earth to men of good will.

God is the source of all good and He will reward us for doing good and being of service to others, but He expects no reward for His goodness to us.  He gives us the heavenly reward that we earn during our lives here on the earth.  

Jesus gives us an example of what He means by service.  He speaks of the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. (Luke 14:12-14) These are the people that Jesus sought out during His travels in Galilee and Judea.  He constantly sought to be of service to them and to teach them by His words and His example.  Even when Jesus spent time with leading citizens like the Pharisee on this occasion, He didn’t go to relax and enjoy Himself, but rather to teach them that they too should follow His example and find ways to serve others.

And that’s what Jesus is still asking of you and me today as we listen once again to the story of Jesus’ visit to the home of the Pharisee.  He asks that we look for people who could use our help.  He asks us to find ways to help them without seeking anything in return.  In other words He asks us to follow His example and to learn from Him.  And as Jesus tells us, the reward for our service will come not from those we serve and help, but from God who will repay us with that heavenly reward to which all of us aspire. 

Perhaps if we learn to serve others after the example of Jesus, we will also learn to better understand what Saint Paul means in his letter to the Romans when he writes of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God, and of the inscrutability of His judgments and the unsearchableness of His ways. (Romans 11:29-36)

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