When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The first called had happy feet

O Lord, Thank You for the fishermen You called to be apostles, especially St. Andrew whose feast we celebrate today. Through them we benefit from hearing about You and believing in You! May we always listen to Your call - and follow You.  Amen.

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” (Isaiah 52:7, Romans 10:15) On this feast of St. Andrew the Apostle I am grateful for all the apostles, preachers, family and friends whose feet have brought the good news of the Gospel to me.

Faith is the foundation of my life — truly the greatest blessing God has given me. My Christian faith has been my strength and guide in good times—it has also been my strength and guide and comfort in difficult times. Most of the time, however, I take this blessing for granted.  Sadly, I don’t adequately thank God for this gift. 

Fortunately there are special times each year when I realize anew the great blessing of faith.  Advent is one of these times.  My heart resonates at Old Testament passages that express humankind’s longing for a better world, for a messiah, for a savior, and those that speak directly to my own restlessness and to my often unarticulated longing for a fuller coming of God to my heart and to our world.

 “Faith comes from what is heard,” Paul reminds us. (Romans 10:17)  During this advent season I ask myself, “Do I witness to what I have heard and believe?  Can mine be the feet bringing the good news to others and the voice that is heard and that arouses faith in others?  “Their voice has gone forth to all the Earth and their words to the end of the world”. (Romans 10:18)

During this season of giving, is there any greater gift we can share with loved ones?

I continue my novena to St. Peregrine for Darlene and all other victims or survivors of cancer.  I ask you to pray for me.  I’ve caught the cold that is going around.  Usually that means an evolution into bronchitis.  Pray that I can keep it from getting any worse this time around. Thanks.
Immacualate Heart of Mary,
Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

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