Jesus wants His disciples to be in continual dialogue with His most
dear Father, just as He was. And Jesus
exhorts His disciples to intensify this dialogue during times of stress, just
as He did. The dialogue is, of course,
One of my ‘old standbys’ is, "Dear Lord, I'm offering you this
day. Please help me to get through
it. Please keep the kids and my wife and
my mother safe and help me get everything done that I have to do." It’s simple, but persistent.
Jesus chooses the rather strange parable of the corrupt judge to
illustrate His point of praying always, especially in need (Luke 18:1-8). The
judge ultimately grants the widow's petition not because the petition was just
but because he does not want to be disturbed: "While it is true that I
neither fear God nor respect any human being, because this widow keeps
bothering me I shall deliver a just decision for her lest she finally come and
strike me."
The point of the parable is clear: just as the widow continually
presents her petition to the judge so must we continually present our needs to
the Lord -- and the Lord will eventually respond!
In an earlier chapter Luke presents Jesus making a similar point
through an equally strange parable. This parable involves two friends (Luke
11:5-8). One friend in the middle of the night comes to borrow three loaves of
bread. After persistent knocking, his friend finally gets out of bed and takes
care of the friend's need -- not because of friendship but because of the
friend's persistence -- and so he can finally get some sleep!
Luke adds a comforting reflection to this parable: "For whoever
asks, receives; whoever seeks, finds; whoever knocks, is admitted." But
then unexpectedly Luke concludes the parable with a surprising comparison
between us and God as givers. If we
humans, sinful though we are, know how to give our children good things,
"how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who
ask Him?" The best gift God can give is often not what we explicitly seek
but God's own self, the Holy Spirit!
Often we misunderstand the purpose of seeking God's help in prayer.
We see prayer primarily as a means of controlling God for material advantages
for ourselves or others; we do not see prayer as a way of acknowledging the
most fundamental relationship of our life, our relationship as creature to our
Creator-Father. But through persistent
prayer we have the occasion to become more aware that as creatures we are not
self-sufficient but are dependent beings, like children to loving parents. And through persistent prayer we slowly come
to realize that our Father-Creator does respond to every prayer. The response is often the best gift God can
give -- God's own presence through the Holy Spirit. With this presence we have
the guidance and strength to handle life's stress and problems.
Jesus in Gethsemane is our model.
As we get caught up in our daily lives, it becomes very easy for us
to take the gifts that God has given us for granted. We don’t always realize how blessed and loved
we are by God and we just go about our lives.
We must recognize what God has blessed us with and accept it with open
arms. By accepting God’s great gifts, we
are accepting His love.
We must also care for the many different kinds of people God has
placed on this earth. God’s creation
does not end with the earth; it also includes all the humans that inhabit
it. Since all humans are made in God’s
image, we are called to treat them with dignity and respect. At times this may be difficult for all of us,
but when we do, we successfully show our love for all of God’s creation.
Father of all Good, draw us to drink deeply and share abundantly the love and
the truth that You have given us in Your Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. Amen.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us now and at the hour of our death. |
As I drove around Bakersfield this week, I noticed the
“40 Days for Life” vigils out in front of the abortion mills. My prayer intention for this Saturday is for
those heroic people who are being persistent in their pleas to our Lord through
His Blessed Mother’s rosary and giving their time to show witness of God’s love
for all creation.
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