When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Are You the One?

While John was in prison, he sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus this fundamental question. “Are you the one?” (Luke 7:19) Whether we know it or not, this is the same question we are asking Him today, two thousand years later. “Jesus, are You the One I need to be living my life for, or is there another?”

It’s a relatively straightforward question.  Jesus can either answer “yes” or “no” and the problem will be solved.  But He chooses not to dictate everything in exact detail for John, and He certainly doesn’t dictate everything in perfect detail for us either.  I often wish Jesus would speak to me with a deep, booming voice from Heaven.  “Do this! Do that!”  It would make discerning God’s will in my life much easier, but God doesn’t operate that way.  Instead, He asks us to look around us, to look at the signs, and to answer the knock on our door when He comes to visit. We must see the work God is doing in our lives and be open to His call, because it will come, but only if we listen.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:  We live in a noisy world.  There are countless distractions, like the television, the Internet, cell phones, and iPods. None of those things are bad, but they all contribute to the noise which surrounds us and drones out the voice of God. How often do we actually take time to be quiet and listen to God speaking in the quiet stillness? When we take the time to watch nature, we experience something remarkable: silence. Nature grows in silence. The trees, the flowers, and even human beings all grow and mature in silence. In much the same way, our spiritual lives will grow in silence, but we have to let it. We need to make time every day for silent prayer, whether it be meditating on the Word of God, the mysteries of the Rosary, committing to a Holy Hour in Eucharistic Adoration, or even just having a quiet conversation with Jesus in the depths of our heart. If we take time out of our daily lives to listen to God’s voice, we, too, will come to know for ourselves that Jesus is the Son of the God, and the One who is asking us to give our lives in pursuit of holiness.

St John of the Cross, we ask you to intercede for us in Heaven, and help us find silence and listen to the voice of God in our lives that, through our thoughts, words, deeds, and actions, we might lead others to Him.

That old North wind came in this evening.  It was pleasant all day until the sun went down and the wind came up.  Now it’s “teeth-chattering” cold!  Tonight’s prayer intention is for everyone who is suffering through these cold nights with no place to go.  I pray that they may find shelter and warmth in the mantle of the Blessed Mother, and the love of her son, Jesus Christ.

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