When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's a matter of trust

Sometimes I chuckle to myself when reading scripture because it seems God is so predictable. We know the story of Abraham and Sarah, both elderly and Sarah unable to bear a child, and then, Sarah defies nature and gives birth to a son!

Then we have the story of Samson whose mother was also barren, but yet she had Samson! Later, we read of Zechariah and Elizabeth both getting old and unable to have children and then she gave birth to John the Baptist! It seems whenever God finds an older couple who have been unable to conceive, He makes the impossible happen and a great child is born!

The point is, however, that God can and does take seemingly impossible situations and makes them possible. Old women give birth, Abraham was a nomadic herder, Moses was a stutterer, Peter was a simple fisherman, Paul was a persecutor of Christians, and the list goes on and on about how God defies logic and makes miracles happen.

Why do we doubt? Because there is just so much dark stuff out there. There is so much evidence of bad people doing bad things. There is such a tendency in our world to think of my needs first, and to ignore the great suffering and sorrow of others, and this attitude is becoming contagious.

Zechariah could speak again, when he acknowledged his belief in the promise. He confirmed the name given to the promised child, "his name is John." The name "John" means "God is gracious." When we can say "God is gracious," then we can speak again. The ability to speak, live, act, witness a hope in God's fidelity to us starts with our acknowledging that "God is gracious."

That's our Advent journey - to say in our heart and out loud: "I believe that You are and will be gracious, because I believe You love me and have come to set us free from the power of sin and death. The immenseness of Your promise is hidden in the mystery of the humility of Your coming."

Dear Lord, give me the grace these very busy days to trust in your love and mercy. Give me hope. Open my heart and my eyes to see your goodness, in the midst of the gloom around me. Each day this week, let me experience being on a journey of expectant hope in you. Soften my heart with your love that I may be a source of comfort and joy for those around me who need comforting and a renewed joy in your fidelity.

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