When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sinners and slackers (all said in jest, of course)

Man!  Try to pay someone a compliment and what do you get?  "You'd better get to confession, Mister!"

I guess I was a tad generous with the amount of prayers I attributed to Mom in my post last week.  I figured she had said over 1 million prayers on behalf of her family over the last 10 years.  That was based on 5 rosaries a day.  Without getting into semantics, she clarified for me that she had days when she wasn't feeling well, or in a hospital, or had some other good reason for not saying more than one rosary a day.  Because she is a member of the Legion of Mary and consecrated to Our Lady through St. Louis De Montefort, she does say at least one set of Mysteries per day.  

So let's rework the numbers with just ONE rosary a day.  Remember there are a minimum of 66 prayers when a rosary is recited--53 Hail Marys, 6 Glory Bes, 6 Our Fathers, the Hail, Holy Queen, and 5 Fatima prayers.  Oops!  That's 71 prayers.  So 71 prayers times 7 days is 497 per week.  Multiply that by 52 weeks and you've said 25,844 prayers per year.  We'll go back 10 years (although I KNOW Mom has been saying the rosary probably since she could speak).  So in the last 10 years, she's only said about a quarter of a million prayers.  What a slacker!  (I only wish I could do as well.)

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