When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Friday, December 6, 2013

“Without cost you have received, without cost you are to give.” – Matthew 10:8

During this season of Advent, we find ourselves in the midst of a society consumed by the commercialization of Christmas. Anybody who tries to find parking at a mall this time of year can clearly see that there is an increased sense of giving, but we must all ask ourselves if we are giving in the way Christ calls us to. We live in a culture where people think presents and other forms of giving are a sort of exchange: if I give you something, you'll give me something in return. However, this isn't the example Christ gave us. God did not create us and Christ did not come into this world and die on the cross for us because he expected us to somehow repay him. God gave us these gifts simply because he loves us. True giving stems from love and expects nothing in return. As we move further into Advent and towards Christmas, we should all strive to make our giving about loving others and caring for those in need in a way that glorifies God and prepares our hearts for the coming of Christ.

Here are a couple of ideas for charitable giving that I’m mulling over for this year (keeping in mind that it’s nearly impossible to give to EVERYONE!):

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