When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Lighting the Fire of Truth

What does it mean when Jesus says that He came to set the world on fire (Luke 12:49)? Fire is a powerful image.  First, fire consumes.  So it is with Christ.  He came to consume us.  He came to transform our little lives into blazing fires.  This reveals that there is much potential in each one of our lives.  We have potential to become something totally new if we allow the spark of grace to ignite our souls.

Fire also has the potential to make a difference.  Its heat keeps us warm.  Its light allows us to see in darkness and its energy produces power in various ways to help us in our daily lives.  So it is with grace.  God’s grace transforms our cold hearts, leads us through the darkness of life and provides us with all we need to live productive lives.   

In my 45-plus years of management I had to “light a fire” under a lot of my subordinates to get them all working together toward a common goal.  It worked on some, not on others.  Some were receptive to the spark I tried to provide, but others were so dampened by their stubbornness and ego that the kindling of their work ethic wouldn’t catch fire.  That’s when I needed to have what is colloquially known as ‘Come to Jesus Meetings’, and throw some hard truths at them to recognize their weaknesses to the team effort.

Truth is hard – hard on individuals, hard on families, communities, nations and the world.  Truth takes courage – courage to face truth, to speak truth, to live truth.  Truth often means change and we all know that change is never easy, never without challenges, and almost never welcomed.

When families stop pretending that Billy’s drinking is not really a problem and Sally’s perpetual lying is not something she will simply outgrow, there is likely going to be struggle.  When a community acknowledges its ethnic or racial biases, there is going to be defensive kick-back.  When nations begin to address the inequities among peoples, there will be challenges and struggles.  Truth can lead to division and denial.  Truth can result in defensiveness and polarity.

But truth, if embraced, even when difficult and challenging, can also bring about peace – the peace Jesus spoke of – the peace that is the result of being immerged in God’s Word, God’s truth.

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