When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Please, Thank You, & I'm Sorry

In the Scripture readings today we are told to give thanks to God in all circumstances. In the first reading Naaman gives thanks and gifts for his cure. In the Gospel the Samaritan leper who thanks Jesus is told that his faith has saved him.

This story reminds me that in this journey called life it is good to return frequently to Him who gives us all good things and thank and praise Him for His wonderful generosity. Our faith, a great spiritual gift, not the physical gifts, is what ultimately brings us to the salvation Who is Jesus Christ.

Every day, every morning when we wake, we should say a prayer of praise for the very act of waking up. We should thank God for His gift of life, even if we aren't feeling like it's very much of a gift at that moment.  We should thank God both for the trials that strengthen, and the consolations that give hope.

As I reflected on this, I was brought back to a story I heard about St. Pope John Paul II, who was delivering his homily during a wedding at which he presided.  It was a very short homily, as homilies should be during these occasions. 

He reminded the couple that they needed only 3 words or phrases to ensure a long and happy life together; “Please”, “Thank you”, and “I’m sorry”.  When we get comfortable with someone, we sometimes start to take them for granted.  We mustn’t do that.  We must make a determined effort to say please when we ask for favors from those we love.  Then we must follow up with a thank you, even if they don’t grant the favor; thank them for letting you ask.  If someone you love asks you for an apology, give it to them.  Don’t quibble over details.  They will deserve your apology sooner or later anyway for something else you will probably do.

Thank those you encounter every day for the simple things:  Making your meals, washing the dishes, walking the pets, going shopping.  Remember, as Christians we believe we see the face of Christ in others, so when we are served by Christ through them, it is only right that we return (like the leper in today’s Gospel) to thank Him and give Him praise and honor. 

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