When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Faith, Hope, and Charity--the currency of Heaven

I love reading about the dream of St. Joseph this time of year.  When you realize the time in which Mary and Joseph lived and the rules and norms, it is quite remarkable for Joseph to act the way he did. (Matthew 1:18-25)   Imagine this honorable and good man who does not see his beloved betrothed for a while.  And then he sees her, and she is obviously pregnant.  Of course he knows he is not the father; he has been totally respectful of her and never laid with her.  What must be going through his head – she has been untrue – his sweet Mary – untrue to him.  Even by today’s more liberal thinking, most would say, “I’m done – I will let everyone know what this woman has done.”  In that day, a man could easily call the woman out as an adulteress and the punishment was clear: stoning!  Yet Joseph somehow did not even consider that route.  He thought that he could go on and then quietly divorce Mary – he was concerned with her well-being even though it appeared that her behavior was less than acceptable.  Joseph was clearly an exceptionally kind, compassionate man.  We all know the story did not end there.

When Joseph receives the angel in a dream, he totally accepts that this is the word of God and is obedient to all that is asked of him.  He doesn’t hesitate or falter.  This is what God expects of him and this is what he will do.  Oh, that I could always be so unwavering in my faith!  Joseph never stopped to think of how that changed his plans for his life; he trusted in God’s plan for him and his family.  Mary and Joseph are such wonderful examples of those who trust without question.  Their faith sustained them throughout their lives.  They believed and allowed God’s will to direct their lives and when angels spoke, they listened.

I am nowhere near as holy or unwavering in my faith as Joseph was, but several times in my life I have had dreams that really shook me to my core.  I sometimes wonder if it is my guardian angel placing these dreams in my subconscious to steer me in the right direction.  

Years and years ago, I had a dream of watching nearly transparent people boarding commercial airliners; and angels, recognizable by their pure white robes and halos, were helping them board and acting as flight attendants.  Because dreams are strange and sometimes wonderful, I was able to hear the people talking with one another with great joy, and I understood that the final destination of the airliner and the passengers was Heaven.  Some were bound for a brief stopover in Purgatory, but it didn’t seem to damper their joy.  It occurred to me that I recognized the passengers as the souls of my family and friends; past, present, and future.

In my dream, I was frustrated and saddened because I felt deep in my soul that I was supposed to be with my family and friends on their way to Heaven, but I had no ticket.  I was despondent because I was found unworthy to have a ticket.  I wondered what the ‘catch’ was, and why I wasn’t able to go with the rest of my family and friends.  I got close enough to ask one of those boarding how he got his ticket, and he told me that he didn’t know, he just knew he had one, and was full of joy and gratitude.  I began to wail in great despair.

One of the angels noticed my anguish and asked me why I was so sad and not on the plane.  When I explained that I didn’t have a ticket, he laughed and said, “Don’t you remember?  You don’t need a ticket!  Your flight is free!  You even had enough to currency to help pay for some of the other tickets!”  I said, “How is it that I paid for these tickets?  With what currency?  I’m confused!”   The angel laughed again, and with a great howl replied, “In Heaven, faith and prayers are currency!  Keeping your faith through good times and bad and the prayers that you have said petitioning Our Lord Jesus Christ for mercy have purchased all the tickets you and everyone you prayed for ever needed to share a life everlasting with Our Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit in the company of our Queen and the saints!  Welcome aboard!”  I can’t begin to explain the sheer ecstasy I felt from the depths of my soul when I heard his words!  In fact, I think that feeling of unbounded joy is what jarred me awake.

That dream had me upset for a long time, because it seemed that my subconscious, (where dreams come from, and psychologists say reflect your true “id”) was telling me I was responsible for the salvation of those souls and my own because of my prayers and my faithful ‘practice’ as a Catholic man.  After all, I was attending daily Mass; I was praying my rosary every night; I was receiving the Eucharist. 

What I have come to realize though, is that I focused more on the “Angel’s” praise of my faith and my prayers rather than on the mercy and forgiveness of Jesus.  That is, after all, what all of our prayers and obedience to God’s commandments lead us to.  So I will continue to pray, to attend mass as often as possible (every Sunday, of course), and to try and live a life pleasing to God.  I can use your prayers, as well, to help me purchase my ticket to Heaven through the mercy of Christ.

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