When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

The meaning of Christmas is summed up in His name, Emmanuel—that is, God is with us—to destroy our fears and make us ambassadors of the Light.  Advent has been all about waiting.  And now we know what the waiting was all about; to live our lives, consoled in the midst of our frustration with wars, corruption in politics, impeachments and accusations, rampant crime, and evidence of unbridled hate everywhere among the Body of Christ, as well as with our own personal failures.

God is with us, making sense of all the suffering, all the misery, helping us believe that we are in a much larger plan; waiting for Love to be born for the last time when all those prophecies we heard read to us in the last few weeks are brought to fulfillment.  It's a question of that mysterious presence in our hearts that calls forth from us faith and hope and love.

If we can only say a simple, unqualified "yes" to the call from God as Mary did (Luke 1:26-38), life could be so simple, and God would be so pleased with us!

It's so important that all of us confess our sinfulness before Christmas and be absolved of anything that could keep Jesus out of our hearts.  Advent ends in just 4 days and Christmas is just around the corner, when Jesus will be born again in hearts that are prepared to receive Him.

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