When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easter joy, even in the midst of Covid19

Christ is risen!  Alleluia!  Alleluia! He is risen, indeed!  Alleluia! Alleluia!

As we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, we’re challenged to expand our Easter joy to more than just hope in eternal life.  The Resurrection is the pouring forth of the promise of the Holy Spirit here and now.  It’s the assurance of the presence of God at this very moment, not just about what we can expect when we leave this earth, but while we are still here.  The bigger picture of the Easter story is that we haven’t been abandoned to hopelessness, ever.

But tell that to the poor.  Tell that to the beaten and abused, the tortured and the unjustly imprisoned.  Tell that to the terminally ill and tell that to the lonely.  Tell that to the hungry and the homeless who wander in every city on every continent.  Tell that to the people around the entire world currently in quarantine or home shelter who feel in very real ways that they have been abandoned to hopelessness.

While our faith in the resurrection is certainly about God keeping us safe and the assurance of abiding in hope for our own lives, we pray in Psalm 16 that God will also show us the path to life, and fullness of joys in the presence of God.  So if the death and resurrection of Jesus was about our liberation from the hopelessness of our own deaths, why do we have to follow a path to life?  Hasn’t it all been done for us already?  Yes, it has.  But life is not living unless it’s experienced in joy, the joy of the presence of God.  So there is something we can do in response to our joy to make it fuller.

To more fully experience the presence of God, we must tell the poor, the beaten, the abused, the imprisoned, the sick, the hungry, the homeless and the lonely that they too have not been abandoned to hopelessness.  Actually we must do more than tell them—we have to show them through our example that Christ isn’t just our hope, but the hope of the world.  The Resurrection of Jesus is the redemption of all of humanity.  And it isn’t just about whether we believe it or not, it is about whether we feel confident enough to act on it.

As I reflect on these lessons, I think about the reason why the first words Jesus said to those who saw Him after the Resurrection were “Do not be afraid.” (Matthew 28: 5,10)   It wasn’t because He thought they might be afraid of ghosts; I think He says this to us today, just as He did then, because His Resurrection means that He is the fulfillment of the promises of God.  It’s not our fear of death; it’s our fear of life that we need to think about now.  If Jesus really is alive, then God really meant it when He said He loved us and we, meaning all of humanity, are worth saving.  That means nobody has been abandoned to hopelessness.  Believing in the Resurrection means believing in the entire promise of God’s enduring presence with humanity.

I feel great joy at Easter, but the fullness of joy that I seek in the presence of God is not just about the relief that the fear of death has been lifted.  The joy of Easter Sunday encourages me to identify with the suffering of others who don’t feel that hope.   Alleluia!  I pray today that I will not be afraid to stay on that path and share that Easter story by bringing hope and joy in very concrete ways to those who do feel abandoned.  We are presented with an unprecedented opportunity especially this Easter 2020 to open up to someone we know who is not sharing in our joy and let them know they are loved by God! 

Christ is risen!  Alleluia!  Alleluia!  He is risen, indeed!  Alleluia! Alleluia!  

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