When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Never give up hope

Our world, and maybe our lives, seem so heavy and heart-wrenching right now.  We’re called to a meekness that allows us to ask our loving God for help; to learn from Jesus how to make our way through it in small and humble service to others.  That’swhere we’ll finally find peace.

We beg for a humility that can place us in the shoes of another to see and begin to understand their world and point of view.  We’re not in this alone, but side by side with Jesus, doing our part but knowing we’re guided and loved by His great heart.

We need to listen carefully to the words in Zechariah“he shall proclaim peace to the nations”. (Zechariah 9:9-10). It can refresh our spirits. The vision of the King of Peace coming to abolish all fighting is a cause for hope.  Of course, it's more than a dream since we’re children of the Covenant.  God has promised us a time of peace. We must never give up on the dream.

Our country was founded on a dream. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be celebrating the Fourth of July this weekend. The dream of our forefathers was very much like God's dream, His Providence. We’re all entitled to be dreamers. We must never give up hope that God's dream of peace will come true. It's His plan!

Despite recent events and overwhelming rhetoric and ‘talking points’ to the contrary, there's nothing wrong with the American Dream. It's based on the reality of God's dream; so whatever we dream and work for in America is based on His principles of life. 

How do we help make His plan come true?  First, by speaking out; not being afraid or timid in presenting our Catholic principles. Second, by living in the Spirit, as Saint Paul explains in his letter to the Romans (Romans 8:9, 11-13). Because we’re all members of the Body of Christ, every good individual action strengthens the whole body. We need to faithfully pray for peace, respond with serene charity to the many frustrations and "downers" in our lives, and influence others to do the same.

Living in the Spirit will reduce our tendencies to depend too much on living in the flesh. Of course, we live in the flesh - from hugs to hot dogs - but it’s so easy to let our desires get out of hand.

More prayer and more getting out of ourselves to think of other people, brings lightness of heart and freedom of Spirit.  When we're scared and think that it's just too hard, think of the Lord's words: "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest." (Mt 11:25-30)   In other words, Jesus says to us, "Here, give it to me. I'll carry it for a while."

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