When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Monday, August 17, 2020

Camels and needles, Humility and prayer


Jesus turned to the disciples and said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:23-30)  

In the first century, the “eye of a needle” referred to small openings in city walls that were sometimes used after the main gate had closed.  They were so small though, that in order for a camel to enter, it had to bend down on its knees and crawl through to the other side; in most cases, the camel would also have to be unburdened of all of the “things” it was carrying for its owner’s comfort or livelihood.   We pile so many worldly attachments upon our backs that we're like camels laden with luggage!  None of this baggage can squeeze through the gate into God's kingdom.  If we try to hold onto them, we don't fit through the gate.  Identifying all of our worldly bags so that we can free ourselves from their weight seems impossible.

In this day and age, we too ask the same question that the disciples asked; "Then who can be saved?"  Jesus STILL answers in the same way; "For you this is impossible, but if you seek God's help, it will become very possible."

In His image of the camel and the eye of the needle, Christ wasn’t talking about an impossible occurrence, albeit a difficult one.  Instead, He was preaching to us the importance of humility.

When we’re asked to ponder the characteristics of a hero or heroine, we often come up with virtues like strength, courage, bravery, and honor.  Sometimes we may include love, trustworthiness, and faithfulness, but humility is not something we hold in high esteem.  Humility is for those who aren’t strong enough to fight through a difficulty or trial.  Humility is for those who are weak.

And yet, humility is what should separate Christians from all others.  It’s the greatest weapon in our fight against the devil.  As St. Vincent de Paul tells us, “For as Satan does not know how to employ humility, neither does he know how to defend himself from it.”  When we act out of true humility, the devil is powerless to oppose us.  We each must strive to become nothing in the eyes of the world, so that we might stoop to serve the lowest in our lives.  We should pray to be delivered from our fears of being ridiculed as well as from our desires of being honored and extolled.  In addition, we must also pray for the grace to desire that others become more esteemed and praised than our own selves. 

In all things, though, we must pray.  We must be willing to let God speak to us in the quiet of our hearts because, as Mother Teresa teaches us, “If you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you.  Then you will know that you are nothing.  It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself.”  Just as a camel can only pass through the eye of a needle on its knees, so too a rich person can only enter the Kingdom of Heaven on his knees before his God and King.  Just as Indiana Jones discovers in The Last Crusade, “The penitent man will pass before God,” and he does so on his knees in prayer.

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