When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Friday, October 2, 2020

The Big Picture

As Marilyn was putting Liliana’s name on her face mask so she could return to classes a couple of weeks ago, it reminded me that when I was young, my mom used to write my name on just about everything, too.  She would put my name on school supplies, clothing items, and even the sack she packed my lunch in.  Even today I have my name written on various items such as my passport, driver’s license, and legal documents.  Sometimes we might want to put our name on a laptop or cell phone or maybe even on the inside cover of a special book.  This is helpful in case the item is lost or misplaced; you might get the item returned.  Your name on a particular item says that article belongs to you.

Jesus had sent the disciples out to announce the Kingdom of God.  They returned from their short missionary journey all excited because the evil spirits were subject to their commands.  Jesus called off His disciples from rejoicing even in that which is legitimate and a good reason for rejoicing as any; namely, success against the powers of darkness.  Jesus warned them, “Do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you.” Then He followed that up with, “…rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10: 17-24)   Jesus was fearful of spiritual pride and a false sense of security in His disciples.  He wanted them to focus on the more meaningful reward for their efforts.

When we’re successful, it is easy to think that it’s all because of “me”–my skills, my knowledge, my determination, my power.  “I” become the center and fail to acknowledge all that lies behind my success: the encouragement of friends or education or opportunities others don’t have. Maybe even luck plays a role.  And behind it all is God’s graciousness.  When we have a false sense of security, we’re easily crushed and lose heart when the tide goes against us.  To strengthen us against these two outcomes, Jesus reminds the disciples (and us) that their (our) victories are temporary.  Having their (our) names written in heaven is permanent.

Our name on a piece of clothing says that item belongs to us.  Having our name written in heaven means we belong to God.  God doesn’t forget us when dark clouds surround us, when the good we desire to do fails miserably or when there’s no reason to rejoice.  God knows each of our names, loves us and watches over us every day of our life.   Our name is written in heaven.  That’s a fact in which we can rejoice!

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