When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Just put one foot in front of the other


It’s funny, the way that a few Scripture passages can lead us on a reflection about the most ordinary, yet profound things.  For example, our feet.  They enable us to stand and not fall over.  They make it possible for us to dance, play football, or kick the can.

There are footmen, foot soldiers, and footnotes.  Some people stand in the footlights, get a foothold, or are just footloose.  Sometimes we put our best foot forward, put our foot in our mouth, foot the bill, or live in the foothills.

They’re amazing things, our feet. The most amazing thing about our feet, whether they’re small or big, dainty, or calloused, is that they can be the feet of Christ.

Saint Teresa of Avila said it well when she said, “Christ has no body but yours.  Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good, yours are the hands with which He blesses all the world.”

In his letter to the Romans (Romans 10:9-18), Saint Paul quotes the prophet, Isaiah, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings.” (Isaiah 52:7).   Paul is proclaiming how beautiful are the feet of those who decide to follow the Lord. 

In Matthew’s gospel Jesus was simply “walking by the Sea of Galilee” and saw two brothers working hard at their occupation (Matthew 4:18-22).  Jesus called them, and Peter and Andrew decided to follow Him.  Their feet took to them into Jesus’ company where they walked with Him, talked with Him, and watched Him preach the Gospel.  Isaiah’s statement would certainly identify Jesus’ feet as beautiful.  Eventually Peter and Andrew would be sent out to preach the gospel, making their feet become beautiful, too.

When we make any kind of decision, our feet are usually involved.  We decide to get out of bed in the morning and our feet hit the floor.  When we decide to go to somewhere, our feet have to take us there. 

When we choose to walk the way of truth, justice and peace, our feet are beautiful.  When we decide to walk with refugees, the poor, hungry or abandoned, our feet are beautiful.  When we decide to walk beside a person who just needs a listening ear, our feet are beautiful. 

Each day the Lord calls us to follow Him more closely.  Let’s just say, “Yes,” and put our best foot forward.  We can’t go wrong.

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