When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Friday, December 18, 2020

Ordinary miracles

Most of our attention in the Christmas story goes to Mary and Joseph and Jesus, but my reflection today was on the lives of two other families who experienced the wonderful gift of new life.  In the Book of Judges the parents of Samson received the surprise announcement from an angel (Judges 13:2-25) that’s repeated twice in the Gospel of Luke.  Elizabeth and Zechariah met the same Angel Gabriel who carried the same good news.  “You are chosen by God!  You will bear a child!” (Luke 1:5-25).  Then, of course, Gabriel visited Mary (Luke 1:29).

Advent and Christmas are God’s ways of sending a powerful signal of hope to remind us that life is stronger than death.  Light is more powerful than darkness.  Good is more powerful than evil.  God’s blessings will replace barrenness in the Kingdom that’s coming.  That’s the message of Christmas—God proves to us once again that nothing is impossible with God.

When we begin to reflect in a prayerful way upon our lives, we begin to see that God sends us so many people who prepare us for the coming of the Lord, Jesus.  Some of us are so focused on looking for the big "miracle," the extraordinary events that we think are God’s signs of Love and Life, that we miss the ordinary miracles of everyday, the daily signs of God’s Love and Life.  Some of us are like Zachariah, John’s father, so full of questions and doubts, that we miss the true miracles that God keeps sending us as preparation for the coming of Jesus in our lives.

The people who prepare us for the coming of Jesus are all of the ordinary people who call us to live faithfully, a life of faith, hope and love.  Sometimes, these messengers come in the midst of our darkness and they pull us out of the doldrums of hopelessness and depression.  Sometimes, these messengers confirm our deepest convictions and longings, to be united with God and with one another as we make our way through life.  God never tires of sending us messengers who prepares us to walk the Way of the Lord and guide our feet into the way of Peace.

As we prepare of the Feast of Christmas, the Miracle of the Incarnation, the Birth of the Baby Jesus, let’s be attentive to all of the many messengers that God sends us to prepare for that most Wonderful Gift of All, God’s Incarnate Love!

These are the days to look around and see the wonders of the Lord.  They’re told in song and story; in the Scriptures, on the evening news, in family gatherings, and if we take the time, in the quiet reflections of our hearts. 

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