When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Thank God for prophets

Few prophets are remembered for saying to God’s people: "Have a good day!" or "Go with the flow!"   In the Hebrew and Christian tradition, the prophets were the ones who were not afraid to go face to face with God and to fight the demons within individuals and in the community.

The promise made by Moses in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 18:15-20) was fulfilled and surpassed in Jesus, who began to teach and act with authority and hold His listeners in the synagogue spellbound (Mark 1:21-28).  The prophets of old prefaced their remarks "… Thus says the Lord."  But Jesus began: "I say to you…" and His words were effective.  They casted out the evil powers and brought healing, revelation and the saving power of God.

In his letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul wished all to be free of anxieties in their relationships (1Corinthians 7:32-35).  He gave advice to those who are married as well as not married.  In evaluating the situations of his own time in Corinth, he was careful to distinguish between what the Lord commands and what he, Paul was recommending.  His perspective was that the end is coming soon, and "the world as we know it is passing away." (1Corinthians 7: 29-31).  However, Paul was trying to suggest what he thought was best for the Christian community, without imposing his interpretations on them.

We still need prophetic voices in our time to help us integrate the teaching of Jesus in whatever the circumstances of our lives are.  Today is a good day to honor those men and women who act as prophets in our own time.  Some have reached the status of notoriety and fame for their good works.  Others work side by side with us each day and ask for nothing in return.   I’m thinking of friends who give of themselves daily so that the good news of Jesus becomes known by those who need to hear it.  I’m thinking of the many religious and ordained, who have challenged, affirmed and supported me throughout my life.  I’m thinking of my parents and other family members and friends who worked and sacrificed so that I could experience a loving and generous God through each of them.

Please take a moment to remember and thank God for those prophets that have crossed your path and have helped you to become the person you are today.  If they’re still in your life in some way, you may want to drop them a line, call or text them and say thanks for having the courage to accept the call of the prophet.  Remember prophets are never without honor in their own time and space (Luke 4:24).  Your gesture of gratitude may be that thread of hope that makes their day! 

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