When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, January 3, 2021

True or False?

Every one of us is moved by a single desire or yearning that goes deeper than any of the little things that we use and do to satisfy ourselves.  If we can imagine all our wishes granted—a vaccine for COVID, food, shelter, safety, human love, health, strength, beauty, a return to ‘normalcy’—we find that there’s still an emptiness in our hearts, and that we need to seek a satisfaction there beyond the things of this world.

As I reflect on the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Matthew’s Gospel (Matthew 4:12-25), I’m reminded of a quote by Saint Augustine, who in the opening words of his Confessions, says, "Lord, you made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."

To reach that point we need to set aside the things of this world, at least insofar as they are our priorities.  Yes, we need food, health, strength enough to live, and all the rest, but more fundamentally we need to re-form our lives in such a manner that these things are secondary and that knowing, loving, and serving God is primary: that’s the only way that we can truly be at rest, be satisfied, be fulfilled.  It demands a separation from things, an ending to our attachment and even dependence on them that can seem like poverty in the eyes of the world.  We also need a poverty of self, putting our will and our values in the hand of the Father.  This isn’t a quietism but a foundation for the most trustworthy way of being active in our lives.

In the First Letter of John we hear how to know the spirit of Truth and differentiate it from the spirit of deceit.  So that we don't have to struggle, fret, or worry whether we've got it right, the answer is given, simply.  The way we know a spirit of truth is by what it says (1 John 3:22–4:6).  Does it acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary?  Jesus, who was crucified, died, buried, and raised up on the third day?  Who ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father?  If a spirit confesses this, it’s The Spirit of Truth, The Holy Spirit.  It’s the same Spirit Who innervates the Church, gives Her life, preserves Her, protects Her, guides Her.

So how do we know that we’re living this life in the best way?  When we believe that we’re children of a loving Father, that we’re brothers and sisters of the living Lord and Older Brother who is our model for being human and our gentle Shepherd, and that the Blessed Spirit that Jesus has given us guides us with amazing warmth and care if we so desire. 

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