When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Monday, February 1, 2021

Endurance and faithful witness

It’s two weeks after the presidential inauguration and a little less than a month after the riots at Capitol Hill in Washington DC.  The atmosphere in the country remains politically charged and tense.  To make matters worse, the pandemic continues to take its toll.  While vaccines have begun being administered, new variants of the virus threaten to further complicate the situation.  It’s not surprising then that many of us are filled with mixed emotions.

I thought of three possible reflections we might take from Luke’s gospel on this Feast of the Presentation (Luke 2:22-40) to give us hope and encouragement.

First, Luke, through the characters of Anna and Simeon is showing us the power of hope in a person’s life.

Secondly, he’s showing us that faithful longing and steadfast service will lead us eventually into the very presence of Jesus the Christ.

Thirdly, in that they’re introduced to persons who spend their days in the Temple precinct perhaps they’re meant to model for us faith in our advancing years.  It can remain a steady and effective witness to others and is not a weakened force even if our physical capacity is reduced.

Perhaps in this way, we will respond to the challenge of the prophet Malachi, who asks “But who will endure the day of his coming? And who can stand when he appears?” (Malachi 3:1-4)

We can resolve to be among those who have endured and witnessed faithfully throughout a life well-lived.  We do this so that others around us may see more clearly the Lord when He manifests Himself to them at unexpected times.  In that so often people reach out to Jesus in their pain and confusion, they will have our witness as a beacon casting light for them so that they may truly see the Lord when he comes to them. 

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