When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Abundant Grace


I think one of my biggest faults is that I’m prone to judge others.  I measure myself by what I see in others; often, I do it to make myself feel better.  Well, I tell myself, at least I’m not like that person.  Well, I tell myself, at least I know better than that.  I stand tall in my own righteousness and judgment.  I may not be the best, but at least, I’m better than they are.  We all do it.  But is that moment of satisfaction really satisfactory?  By looking at others, do I stop looking inward at myself?  In His parable, Jesus is blunt: “Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?” (Luke 6:39-42)

What am I not seeing in myself and others because of that wooden beam in my own eye?  How can I remove that beam and really see people?  That person who is loud and annoying?  Maybe she’s lonely. I’ve been lonely.  That person who’s grumpy?  Maybe he’s carrying a burden that’s become too heavy. That person who seems to have everything and makes me feel small?  Maybe she’s hiding a deep sorrow.  And it’s not just individuals that I’m judging.  In this COVID-19 ravaged world, my judgements are at an all-time high.  Maskers vs. non-maskers.  Vaccinated vs. Non-vaccinated.  Scientists vs. politicians vs. pundits.  Facts vs. feels.  I’m constantly squirming, trying not to judge.  And yet I do. 

There is a bright side, though.  What my squirming has made me feel is that I’m always grateful for the abundant grace of God to forgive me and to love me as I am (1 Timothy 1:1-14).  I pray today that I really see God in all things and all people, even and especially, the annoying and the grumpy.  I pray that people can see God in me.

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