When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, September 26, 2021

The greatest


I have amazing grandchildren.  They surprise me every time I see them – they’re so smart and funny, and they have the sweetest little hearts.  But I often think about how simple their little minds are at this age, not just my grandchildren, but all children.  It makes me realize that, as I grew up, how that innocence and simplicity seems to be a fleeting memory as I reached adulthood.  There’s an innocence to a child’s thoughts and actions; a simplicity that we may have long ago forgotten.

So, when Jesus brings a child to him to sit at his right side, what an honorable place for this little innocent, humble soul (Luke 9:46-50)!  “The least among you is the greatest.”  With a child, there’s no pride-fulness, no vanity or self-aggrandizement.  Their hearts are pure, and we should empty ourselves of all those things that prevent us from having that pure and simply beautiful relationship with Christ.

We should cleanse ourselves of those things that prevent us from having a heart that is pure; to honor our God with our humility and serve Him as Jesus did.

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