When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Do you see Him today?


Even though I consider myself prayerful and mindful, I sometimes find it difficult to recognize Jesus in the many ways He shows up and is presented to me.  I especially find it difficult to recognize Jesus in front of me when I am so deep in the hurts of life that hope seems far away.  I also find it difficult to recognize Jesus when the world around me seems unfair, unjust, and unstable.  Sometimes I’m even surprised that in my quest for success, acknowledgment, love, peace of mind, and happiness, I’m ultimately seeking, desiring, and waiting for Jesus to show up.  I desire Jesus to be visible and present.  I desire to see Him clearly, know Him, and rest in the knowledge that His presence means freedom, joy, and salvation.

Neither Simeon nor Anna were in an easy place in their life, yet they were so open to the Spirit of God that they could see clearly.  They could see Jesus the Savior in the baby presented by His parents, Mary and Joseph.  Simeon and Anna recognized Him immediately.  They saw Him and knew He was the savior they had been waiting for [Luke 2:22-40].

But do we recognize Him?  It’s easy to recognize Jesus when the communion host is presented and offered to us for spiritual nourishment.  We receive Jesus with gladness at that moment because we had waited and longed for Him before we walked into Church.  It’s easy to recognize Jesus on the cross because we remember He loved us enough to die for us.  It’s also easy to recognize Jesus in a smile we receive from another, a hug, or an act of kindness.  Then suddenly, Jesus comes to us in a different way, a way that requires us to see through God's eyes, a way that requires us to trust the Spirit.  How well do we do then?  How clearly can we see?

I would like to say that I recognize Jesus in the face of everyone I meet, including those I find challenging to be around.  I would like to say that I recognize Jesus in the moments when I’m disappointed, heartbroken, angry, ill, rejected, uncertain, or sad.  I would like to say that I could identify Jesus as soon as He comes into the room as a newborn, the homeless, or different in any way.  I would like to say I recognize Jesus immediately without a doubt, but that would be a lie.  I do try, but I fail most of the time.

Maybe it’s not enough to just recognize Jesus or the presence of God.  Maybe we also have to bear Christ as the word of God so that we may see clearly and also help others recognize Jesus when He is presented to them.  The one whom we seek and the message we long to hear in Luke’s Gospel are presented to us today.  Do we recognize Him?  Can we receive Him?  Are we ready to bear Him?  Are we ready to pay the price of discipleship?

Merciful and loving God, You are here.  Help us see Your face and grant us the grace to rejoice in Your presence amongst us. Jesus, I trust in You.

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