When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Monday, April 24, 2023

We report--you decide


Today is the feast of Mark the evangelist.  He is the writer of the first and shortest gospel.  His gospel is the most vivid and informal because it was probably the first recorded (AD 60-70).  In some ways it’s the most descriptive Gospel, yet he writes with a sense of urgency, as if Christ’s return is close at hand.

Mark’s gospel [Mark 16:15-20] speaks of visible wonders achieved through faith like expelling demons and drinking deadly poison.  The phrase in this passage that grabs my attention is Jesus’ words to His disciples to “Go into the world and proclaim the good news to all creation.”  And they did that.  They went to lands far and near and shared the Good News with people rich and poor, thin and fat, fair and dark skinned.  For over two millennia, good people — in the kitchen, at home, in the fields, at the office, in schools, in factories, or in other workplaces — have spread Jesus’ message and not always used words.  They have “clothed themselves with humility” as St. Peter recommends [1Peter 5:5-15]. Their actions and attitudes have shown that they love because they’ve experienced great love in their personal lives.

At times I ponder how well I proclaim the good news of Jesus.  I can easily identify times that I’ve left that for priests to do, not wanting to be bothered with the role or responsibility of proclaiming the good news.  I give excuses like I don’t want to stand out or offend those who do not believe, yet the followers of Jesus went to non-believers when they proclaimed the good news.  They stood out for the good news even to the point of death.

Another excuse I use is that I don't know what good news to proclaim.  The good news seems different for different people.  To some, Jesus dying on the cross is good news, to others it's his resurrection, and still others, it’s the fact that God became human and dwelt among us.  Many people can continue this list of the good news of Jesus.  Not knowing what good news to proclaim, I’ve remained silent, even when little opportunities have presented themselves.  These are the confessions of an elderly Catholic.  Sure there are many more excuses that have been used in the past, but Mark’s gospel calls us to proclaim the good news of Jesus.  Without excuses or limits, the risen Christ is calling upon us to not just spread the message but proclaim the good news.  It may be slightly different good news depending on whom we interact with, but we’re all presented with situations where the good news needs to be proclaimed. 

I surmise that some missionaries have probably been inspired by this Gospel passage as Christ’s command to baptize others.  In the US, we are a pluralistic society, where I personally have experienced goodness and kindness from Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and even (gasp!) atheists.  Many of them are more Christ-like in their words and actions than I am.  Should they be converted, or is it I who needs conversion?  Rather than worry about “baptizing” people of other faiths, I would rather focus on these words that end Mark’s Gospel: “The Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs.”

Two slogans came to my mind today (inspired by the Holy Spirit?) that pretty much sum up my thoughts on this gospel: “Go Greyhound—and leave the driving to us!” and “We report—you decide.” 

My prayer today is that we, too, are given the grace and courage of Mark the Evangelist so that others will know the good news of Jesus through our words and actions and allow Him to lead us all to the Father.

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